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Tips to maintain a healthy work experience

With back-to-back meetings, a lengthy task list or being stuck behind a desk, it can be challenging to maintain a healthy work experience. Here are nine valuable tips for you to try while on the job.

A healthy work experience is one where employees thrive in their day-to-day, feel fulfilled by their work and can make time for their physical and mental well-being. With back-to-back meetings, a lengthy task list or being stuck behind a desk, it can be challenging to maintain a healthy work experience.

At IQVIA, we are committed to fostering a culture of well-being, where people feel energized by their work and can balance their personal and professional lives. We recognize that well-being is influenced by various factors, such as our health, career, sense of purpose and belonging, culture and work environment. Our teams are focused on supporting employees across all of these areas.

Not feeling productive, motivated or engaged at work? Try these nine valuable tips and you might be on your way to having a healthier work experience.

1. Take regular breaks
Taking breaks throughout the day can help you recharge and increase focus and creativity. A break could be as simple as grabbing a drink, getting some fresh air, chatting with a co-worker or anything that gets you out of your seat. Set a reminder to 'get up and move!'

2. Start off with a 'quick win'
Do one, easy task first thing in the morning. Checking that task off the list builds momentum and makes it mentally easier to start one of the most important tasks of the day.

3. Practice gratitude
Gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Write down at least three things you are grateful for when you get to your desk each morning to kick start the day.

4. Avoid thinking about unfinished tasks
Writing out a plan to finish uncompleted tasks provides the same mental relief as actually completing the task.

5. Set a time to end your workday and stick to it
The more hours we work, the less productive we become. Try to set a time or plan an event to ensure you stop - could be exercise or meeting friends for dinner.

6. An end of workday ritual
Tidy your desk, save everything you are working on, close out of all your tabs and write tomorrow's to-do list. And end of day ritual helps you close out your day.

7. Stay hydrated
Drinking enough water each day may help with energy levels, cognition and mood. Try a water bottle and write markers on the outside with times e.g., 11.00 a.m., 2.00 p.m. Make a conscious effort to drink water past those lines by the specified times.

8. Healthy snacks
After completing a long or difficult task reward yourself with a healthy snack. Choosing a healthy snack will improve your overall health, curb your cravings, elevate your mood, and boost your brainpower.

9. Celebrate your wins
Take time to celebrate the things that you completed rather than worry about the things you didn’t.

At IQVIA, we put our employees at the center of everything we do and are committed to providing them with resources to take care for their physical, mental and emotional, financial and social well-being. Learn more about IQVIA's global benefits and perks.

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